Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Meow - Meong

Nugra Gente

Meooowww... Meooow... Meeoooooww. Listen to that chanting of the cats before you go to sleep at night. Aren't they beautiful? Hell yeah they are. Do me a favor, readers... When you go to bed tonight and if you are lucky enough hearing their voices, just quietly listen to them, very carefully. And keep wishing in your heart that they don't stop meowing. Because once they are silent, they are silenced by the arriving of a little boy who lives underneath your house.


Ngeooongg... Ngeoong... Ngeooong. Coba dengarlah nyanyian para kucing sebelum kau tidur tiap malam. Indah, 'kan? Ya, memang. Aku ingin kalian melakukan satu hal, readers... Saat kau hendak tidur malam ini dan itu pun jika kau beruntung bisa mendengar mereka, maka dengarlah mereka mengeong, dengan saksama. Dan berharaplah mereka tidak tiba-tiba diam. Karena sekali mereka berhenti, mereka dibungkam oleh anak kecil yang menunggu bawah rumahmu.

Author's note; Enjoy our flash fiction || Nikmati fiksi mini kami.

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